Gum Disease Signs

If you have begun to notice a change in your gums, you need to take it seriously. While it may start as some redness and maybe some puffiness, it can continue to escalate to the point where your gums, teeth and jaw are sustaining real and lasting damage. This is because those red, puffy gums are likely signs of gum disease.

What Gum Disease Is

Gum disease (or periodontal disease) is inflammation of the gums caused by plaque, tartar and buildup at and below the gum line. Bacteria begins to damage the teeth, bone tissue and gums over time—leading to a variety of oral health issues. Some of these oral health issues are actually pretty severe, as well. For instance, you may actually end up losing bone tissue in your jawbone and your teeth may even become loose and fall out.

Signs of Gum Disease

In order to avoid periodontal disease from advancing, it’s important to understand what the signs of gum disease are, so you know what to look out for. Some of the signs of gum disease to look out for include:

Red Gums
Swollen Gums
Bad Breath
Bleeding Gums
Irritated Gums
Loose Teeth
Receding Gum Line

These signs should be taken seriously—even if they are minor. Gum disease can advance over time. What was once swollen, red gums can quickly become loose teeth if you go without treatment. Visit your dentist if you begin to notice signs of periodontal disease.

Stages of Gum Disease

There are actually a few different stages of periodontal disease. The main three are:

Early Periodontitis

Early Periodontitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease, and can easily progress to the next stage if not treated. You may notice redness and swelling, as well as bleeding gums. At this point, your teeth will not be loose and there will be no significant bone loss.

Moderate Periodontitis

The next stage of gum disease is moderate periodontitis. This is where the damage becomes more severe. At this point the gums are starting to recede, and there may already be bone loss. While periodontitis can be treated, you may have permanent damage at this stage.

Advanced Periodontitis

The final stage of gum disease is advanced periodontitis. At this stage, you can expect permanent damage to the bone, and you can also expect the teeth to be loose. Your teeth may even begin to fall out. While your dentist will do their best to treat the disease, the damage done will likely be irreversible.


For basic gingivitis, your hygienist will perform a cleaning also known as a prophy or prophylaxis. They will also suggest at-home care.

Fore early and moderate periodontitis, they may suggest a deep cleaning (scaling and root planing). Once it gets beyond the point where a deep cleaning will solve the issue, surgery and other procedures may be necessary.

Avoid surgery and even a deep cleaning by visiting your dentist when you begin to notice signs of gum disease. The earlier you treat the gum disease, the better chances there will be of no significant or permanent damage.

For more information on dental checkups and periodontal disease consider contacting Baer Dental Designs today.

If you'd like to read further on Gum Disease, here's some details on treatments available.

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453