Cleaning Implant Supported Dentures

Oral hygiene is always important but some people think that because they have an implant-supported denture, their hygiene is not as important because they don’t have natural teeth. This could not be further from the truth! It is crucial that implant-supported dentures are thoroughly and carefully cleaned every day. Taking the time to properly care for your denture helps ensure the health and integrity of the gum tissue and implants.

Continued Professional Care

If you are a patient that has received treatment via an implant-supported denture, it is vital that you maintain a regular schedule at your dental office for professional cleanings. With implant-supported dentures, you are unable to remove the denture yourself so your professional cleanings allow the individual implants to receive proper care and maintenance upon removal of the denture by your dentist.

Your dentist will take x-rays once a year to make sure that your implants are stable and that the bone structure is healthy. A lot of people are averse to x-rays but they are necessary as your dentist cannot see through your jawbone to the implant to make sure everything is A-OK!

Home care

Patients with implant-supported dentures have to take special care when cleaning their dentures at home. Your dentist will instruct you on what toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste is appropriate for your denture. Be sure that every time you brush your dentures, you are focusing on the gum line where your denture sits. The brushing helps stimulate your gums and keeps them healthy and pink! If you can, it is beneficial to maneuver the bristles of your toothbrush under the dental prosthesis.  A WaterPik is also a great tool that allows you to clean between your denture and gums on a daily basis. Your dentist can direct you on what type is best for you.

Most patients will benefit from a night guard! A night guard acts as a buffer between your upper and lower teeth and protects them from bruxism (grinding and clenching) in the night. Without nightly protection, your denture is at risk of premature wear and tear and possible fracture.

How long will my implant-supported denture last?

Most things have a better chance of lasting longer if they are well cared for. This is no different for an implant-supported denture! With proper care and maintenance, your denture can easily last a lifetime.

It is not unusual for patients to have a little bit of difficulty learning to speak and eat with their new denture but the more you practice, the better you’ll get and the more natural everything will become.

If you believe that you would benefit from an implant-supported denture, speak with your dentist to determine your eligibility. Not everyone is a candidate for implants but if you are an otherwise healthy individual, you may be able to have an implant-supported denture replaced.

More on Implant Supported Dentures : What are Implant Supported Dentures?

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453