Denture Stabilization

Patients often need to find a solution for replacing their missing teeth as they age or following an accident. Dentures are commonly used to replace missing or severely damaged teeth. Traditional dentures are known for being one of the most affordable tooth-replacement solutions available. They can help patients to regain their confidence after losing a tooth. While dentures have been used for many years, patients often find them to be bulky, uncomfortable, and restrictive. Because of the many limitations associated with traditional dentures, denture stabilization is becoming an increasingly popular solution for securing dentures and making them a more effective option.

Denture stabilization gives patients the ability to maximize the affordability of dentures and helps to prevent some of the most frustrating challenges. There are millions of adults worldwide who are missing one or more of their natural teeth. Placing individual dental implants is often the ideal solution, however, individual implants are extremely costly. When more than one tooth is missing, the cost is even higher. Because dentures are so affordable and the procedure is relatively quick, they are an excellent solution for replacing a patient’s missing teeth. For less than the cost of a few implants, patients can often purchase a complete set of dentures.

The most common issues patients report as they wear dentures may include the requirement for nightly removal to properly clean, dietary limitations, effect on social outings, and the concern that the dentures will slip or fall out during routine use. In many cases, a dental adhesive is used to secure the dentures to the gums. These adhesives often have a strong flavor and can cause frustration. In addition, they can contain undesirable ingredients.

With denture stabilization, patients are provided with a more affordable alternative which also resolves many of the disadvantages associated with traditional dentures. When compared to single dental implants, denture stabilization is still incredibly affordable.

Because of the many limitations and discomfort associated with traditional dentures, many patients chose to not wear them for replacing their missing teeth. Modern dentistry enhancements recently introduced denture stabilization to help resolve this problem. Dental implants are used for denture stabilization to provide patients with a strong and secure base for their dentures. For the denture stabilization procedure, the dentist will surgically place a dental implant which secures the dentures to the jawbone. When the patient is missing a single tooth, an individual implants works well. However, when the patient is missing multiple teeth, dentures are usually more affordable. Unfortunately, dentures are often uncomfortable, challenging to maintain, and can even slip or fall out while eating or speaking. These challenges create real issues for the patient and impact their daily life with signification limitations. Most types of adhesives which secure the dentures have a strong and unpleasant taste which can even modify how some foods and drinks taste.

Denture stabilization, or implant-supported dentures, are rapidly increasing in their popularity as an excellent solution. They aid in resolving challenges associated with dentures, in addition to helping prevent bone loss or changes to the patient’s facial structure. When compared to traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures are incredibly secure and stable. Once the implants are placed and the dentures are secured, a dentist is required for removal.

Implant-supported dentures also eliminates the tedious cleaning regimen used for maintaining traditional dentures. The cleaning procedure for implant-supported dentures is no different from cleaning the natural teeth. Good oral hygiene includes twice daily brushing and flossing each day. It is also important for patients to continue visiting the dentist regularly for an examination and professional cleaning. When they are well maintained, implant-supported dentures can last for many years.

Two different types of denture stabilization units are currently available which includes ball-retained and bar-retained dentures. Ball-retained dentures may be referred to as stud-attachment dentures. With this type of solution, implants which are surgically placed in the jawbone will contain a metal attachment. The attachment firmly secures the dentures in place. These types of implant attachments are typically ball shaped, while the attachment on the actual denture more closely resembles a socket. Once connected, the ball will snugly fit inside the socket. Some units may be opposite in nature, however, they will ultimately follow the same ball and socket concept.

In comparison, bar-retained dentures require the placement of at least two to five implants in the jawbone. The device contains a metal bar, which follows the shape of the jawbone. This bar is attached to each individual implant. The denture is then secured to the bar. There may be an attachment on the implants and/or the dentures for connecting the pieces.

Because of their significant limitations, patients often question if dentures add any value as a tooth-replacement option. In some cases, the patient is unable to afford the cost of receiving dentures. In other cases, the patient simply does not have the time or interest in completing treatment. Patients may also not be concerned or care that they are missing teeth. Other than the visual and aesthetic reasons, there are other important reasons which make the replacement of missing teeth very important. When a patient is missing teeth, it can change the structure of their face. Missing teeth can also significantly age a patient, impact their ability to consume nutritious foods, and also impact their ability to speak clearly. When the root of the tooth is missing and fails to stimulate the jawbone, it can slowly resorb and negatively impact the remaining teeth. Teeth which are missing can also cause issues with the patient’s dental hygiene.

Below are top benefits patients experience with stabilizing dentures:

  • Added comfort compared to traditional dentures
  • Correct chewing technique which aids in digestion and nutrition
  • Ease in cleaning and maintenance; this includes twice daily brushing, flossing and routine visits to the dentist
  • Improved speech as there is no risk of movement or slipping
  • Long-term solution
  • Painful mouth sores and irritated gums are eliminated

Not all patients chose to replace their missing teeth, potentially due to a limited budget or time constraints. Missing teeth should never be ignored. It can result in serious, long-term issues and complications including changes to the facial structure, issues with speaking or eating, age a patient, and reduce the self-esteem and confidence of the patient.

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