Infected Dental Implants

Many people are surprised to learn that nearly 70% of adults in the US who are 35 to 44 years old are missing one or more of their permanent teeth. The loss of the tooth is often caused by decay, trauma, or advanced gum disease. Dental implants were introduced over the past few decades as an ideal solution for replacing missing teeth.

Each year in the US, an estimated 500,000 patients received dental implants. Implants have an impressively high success rate and complications are quite rare. It is possible, however for patients to experience problems such as an infection. This article will outline common signs and symptoms associated with implant infections.

Foul Taste in the Mouth

When an implant is infected, it is often from the accumulation of debris and bad bacteria. When these things sit on the gums, it often causes a foul taste in the mouth. Continuous and noticeable bad breath often occurs along with an infection.

Pus and Bleeding

When there is infection present in the body, white and red blood cells rush to the affected area. Their goal is to fight off the infection and destroy the pathogens. When the gums are infected, pus and blood often seep into the mouth. It is common sign of an infection when the bleeding does not stop or worsens over time.

Challenges with Chewing and Pain

While some discomfort is to be expected following the implant procedure, it should be easily managed with an over-the-counter pain medication and ice. In cases where the pain becomes worse or does not improve over time, an infection may be present. This is especially true when routine activities including chewing or talking result in pain.

Fever, Swelling, and Redness

Similar to pain, it is normal for patients to experience some swelling and redness following the implant procedure. It is important, however, that the swelling and redness improves. In cases where it becomes worse or particularly when a fever is also present, there is a high risk of infection.

Loose Implant

The implant procedure involves the placement of the screw-like post being placed in the jawbone. As the body heals, the implant naturally fuses to the bone. After the placement of the implant, it should not become loose or move. Loose implants are an indication that there is an issue such as an infection and the patient should follow up with their dentist right away.

There is a risk for an infection when patients experience any of the symptoms outlined above. It is vital to act quickly in order to preserve the implant and avoid permanent damage. When the issue is ignored, it can cause a worse outcome or long-term, irreversible damage. The infection can also spread to other areas of the body. Follow up with the dentist immediately if any of these issues are present.

Following the dentist’s instructions for post-procedure care is critical as it aids in minimizing implant failure and infections. These post-op instructions may include taking time to rest, avoiding rigorous activity, eating soft, mild foods and allowing adequate time for the mouth to heal. It is also important for patients to work with a well-qualified dentist with the training and experience required to work with implants. Sometimes an infections is inevitable and cannot be avoided. In this case, an antibiotic may be prescribed for treatment.

Medicare and Dental Implants