What is Laser Dentistry?

The use of laser treatment has been emerging in the treatment of cancers, various surgical procedures, repairing a detached retina in the eye, and the removal of kidney stones and tumors. It has been found beneficial in various dermatology issues dealing with skin problems and concerns. It only makes sense that the use of lasers has grown in the field of dentistry.

Various Procedures in Laser Dentistry

There are now more than 20 different procedures with lasers in dentistry that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as well as the American Dental Association. These treatments include both soft tissues of the gums and the hard surfaces of the teeth. Lasers have actually been used in dentistry since 1994. Common procedures today are the removal of tooth decay and then preparing the surrounding enamel for a filling. Lasers can even be used in the teeth whitening process. The peroxide bleaching agent is applied to the teeth and then the laser energy activates the solution and speeds up the whitening process. For soft tissue laser dentistry is used for gum disease. The laser can sculpt and reshape the gums and also be used to remove bacteria. Lasers can also be used for a biopsy, or the removal of a small piece of soft tissue so that it can be examined in a lab. Lasers can remove lesions in the mouth as well as provide relief for painful canker sores.

Some Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Many procedures will be less painful and this can reduce the need for anesthesia. It may also reduce the level of anxiety if you don’t care for the sound of the dental drill. Bleeding can often be minimized with the soft tissue treatment procedures dealing with the gums because the laser cauterizes as it cuts which will minimize bleeding and swelling. On occasion, it can preserve more of the healthy tooth when a cavity is being removed. Laser dentistry offers a nice option from case to case, procedure to procedure.

Some Potential Disadvantages with Laser Dentistry

These issues would not be considered negatively impactful on your health, it’s simply that traditional methods are still more successful. Laser dentistry cannot be used to place fillings nor can a laser typically be used on a tooth with an existing silver filling. You may still need anesthesia with a laser procedure and using a laser may tend to be more expensive. Traditional drills still shape better, adjust a bite pattern and polish a new filling.

We love Options

We all love options. Laser dentistry may be an option for your next dental procedure. Trust the relationship you have developed with your dentist and ask questions to see if Laser Dentistry may be an option for you. It may help you take care of your teeth, your gums, and your smile.

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453