Puffy or Bleeding Inflamed Gums

What causes inflamed gums?

The discomfort from swollen or inflamed gums is often a result of gum disease but is also linked to improper brushing or flossing techniques and even hormonal fluctuations. Because more than half of all American adults suffer from some form of gum disease, gum inflammation is a common problem. Depending on the stage of gum disease, the degree of inflammation will change.
The first stage of gum disease, or gingivitis, is the mildest form of gum disease and is reversible with proper at home care and professional dental treatment. While it is the least concerning of the stages of gum disease, it still needs treatment to prevent it progressing to more serious and invasive stages. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, then your gum inflammation may indicate that you have gingivitis.

The more serious stage of gum disease is periodontitis and it is the point where you may begin to experience loose teeth in addition to the swollen, tender gums. This level of gum disease has caused damage to the gum tissue and the tissue can’t keep your teeth securely in place. To ensure that you don’t lose teeth and experience permanent gum damage, it is important to address gum inflammation sooner rather than later.

How to get rid of inflamed gums?

In the early stages of gum disease it is easy to treat the inflammation and even reverse it.

You can start by brushing properly at home twice a day with a soft bristle brush. Dentists recommend to avoid aggressive brushing and to use a tender back and forth motion.

Next, don’t skip flossing. The tiny food particles that remain after brushing and allow plaque to build up into tartar are easily addressed with gentle flossing. Mindfully slide the floss along your teeth and take care to avoid forcing the floss against your gums.
After, rinse your mouth with a mouthwash or oral rinse after meals and snacks to remove the carbohydrates that feed the plaque causing bacteria.

Choose a toothpaste recommended by the dentist to help clean up your gum line and stop puffiness before it starts. Taking care to gently brush the gumline with the toothpaste prevents plaque from causing more serious gum disease.

Select your meals and snacks with a well-balanced diet in mind. Diets rich in Vitamin C and calcium keep teeth healthy and prevent gums from swelling.

Take time to unwind and de-stress. When you are in high stress states, your body releases a hormone called cortisol which leads to inflammation. Cortisol affects all the tissues in your body, including you gums. By taking time to meditate, relax and calm down can even improve your gum health.

Most importantly, if you notice that your gums are puffy and bleeding, you should reach out to the dentist’s office to make an appointment. The dentist can perform an exam to determine the exact reason for your gum inflammation and the best way to treat it. Swollen gums are not permanent; there are a number of ways you can restore your mouth to good health.

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