Emergency Tooth Extraction In Lone Tree CO

Your dental professional will always do what they can to ensure no teeth need to be pulled from your adult teeth. However, no matter how hard you brush, or how hard a dentist may try, there are instances where an emergency tooth extraction is needed.
There are many ways a dentist can save a troubling tooth. If a cavity arises, a dentist may be able to remedy this situation by performing root canal therapy. If a tooth is cracked or chipped, the dentist could repair the tooth by using a special dental filling or a crown to save the tooth.

However, there are cases where an emergency extraction will be needed if the tooth or teeth are badly damaged and cannot be saved. In most tooth extractions, a dentist will always recommend a tooth replacement option. It is recommended to have your extracted tooth (or teeth) replaced as to not cause further disruption to the surrounding teeth.

How Do I Know if my Tooth Needs Emergency Extraction?

There are many reasons as to why a tooth may need an emergency extraction. However, there are many cases that may not be considered emergencies at all. See below for a list of emergency tooth extraction examples to better help decide if you are in need of one.

  1. Infection: When a tooth becomes infected, you will feel it coming on almost instantly. If the pulp of the tooth becomes infected and puss filled, you will likely suffer pain and soreness, and your face may swell as well.
  2. Crowding: Wisdom teeth typically cause crowding in the mouth if there isn’t enough space for the third set of molars to grow in. If the wisdom teeth are impacted, meaning they are blocked from growing in properly, this can cause major pain when they try to break the gums. This type of crowding is harmful as it can cause food to be trapped in areas where your toothbrush won’t reach and can cause bacteria.
  3. Breakage: When there is a breakage or chip in a tooth, it may be saved with root canal therapy, fillings, or dental crowns. If the breakage flows past the gum line, the infection or decay will likely go underneath the gum line as well. Therefore, the tooth must be extracted.

Tooth Extraction Steps

Generally, when you are in need of an emergency tooth extraction procedure, your dental professional will start by numbing the appropriate area using a local anesthetic. If the extraction is surgical (requiring removal of bone), then a much stronger sedation may be an option.

Once you are numb, the dentist will use a series of tools to reach the root of the tooth and loosen it up. A type of dental pliers can be used to lift the tooth up and out of your jawbone. The procedure itself can be quite simple and quick. After a few stitches are placed, and bleeding is controlled, you will be done. Your dentist will give you some tips to help you reduce the swelling and bleeding for the coming hours.

Interested in talking to Dr. Baer and his team at Baer Dental Designs about Tooth Extractions? Get more information on our services here.

Curious to see what typical healing times are for tooth extraction? Read More Here >

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453