Invisalign versus Traditional Orthodontics (Braces)

Having your teeth aligned is exciting! Once the alignment is complete, you’ll be able to smile with confidence, without worrying about how straight your teeth look, or whether there are any gaps between your teeth. When you meet with your Invisalign Provider Dentist, they may offer you different options—two of which being traditional metal braces and Invisalign.

What Are Traditional Metal Braces?

When most people think of braces, they think of traditional metal braces. These are braces that involve the attachment of metal brackets to the patient’s teeth, with wires going between the brackets.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an exciting, cutting-edge type of braces that allows patients to correct their alignment issues without having metal in their mouth. Invisalign braces are clear plastic trays that are swapped out over time to slowly adjust the alignment of a patient’s teeth.

The Advantages of Traditional Braces

Both traditional braces and Invisalign braces are excellent options for treating alignment issues, and they both have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest advantages of traditional braces is their ability to treat certain alignment issues that Invisalign braces cannot. For some more severe alignment issues, traditional braces are the best choice, and your dentist may not even give the option of using Invisalign braces.

Traditional braces may cost less than Invisalign braces, but it is best to ask the doctor once they have seen your case.

The Advantages of Invisalign

While traditional braces are more affordable, they are also much more of a hassle. Invisalign braces, on the other hand, are very comfortable to wear and easy to deal with. Whereas traditional braces are fixed and cannot be removed without the assistance of a dentist, Invisalign braces can easily be removed to eat or take care of oral care. Invisalign braces are also clear—making them difficult to see. Because they are nearly invisible, many patients find that they are less self-conscious about wearing Invisalign braces.

Another massive advantage of Invisalign braces is their comfort. Traditional metal braces can cause pain and discomfort—especially if something happens with one of the wires that causes it to cut into the cheek or back of the lips. Invisalign is a custom tray that can be easily
removed—which can be especially useful if they don’t fit properly or are causing discomfort.

Which Option Is Right for Me?

As was mentioned above, some patients are good candidates for Invisalign braces, while others are not. In order to figure out which type of braces are right for you, you’ll want to set an appointment with a dentist for a consultation. They can then take a look at your teeth, and see how severe the alignment issues are. If the alignment issues are moderate, Invisalign may be an option. If they are more severe, traditional braces may be the best option.

Set an appointment to speak with an Invisalign Provider Dentist to see whether or not you are a good candidate for Invisalign braces.

If you're interested in starting Invisalign, or just have some more questions, contact Baer Dental Designs today. We're conveniently located in Lone Tree, CO and proudly provide services to all surrounding areas.

If you're just interested in reading more on your own, Here is some details on how Invisalign works.