Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are tooth replacement solution which are often used for patients do not desire or qualify for traditional restoration options. In some cases, the patient wants to avoid the invasive surgical procedure which is required for implants. In other cases, the patient may not have adequate bone structure to support the implant.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can be replaced using dentures, bridges, or dental implants. Dentures and bridges are false teeth which rest on the surface of the gums. Implants, however, are surgically placed into the jawbone and cannot be removed. For an implant, the dental professional will surgically place a titanium post into the jawbone. Over time, the bone will fuse to the abutment. Once is this complete, the implant is exposed and a small post is attached to the implant which is able to connect the artificial teeth.

Dental implants are often the preferred solution over conventional dentures they are permanent and secure. They resolve many of the issues patients experience with dentures. In order to be a good candidate for implants, however, the jaw must have a sufficient amount of healthy bone.

Mini Dental Implants

While mini dental implants are quite similar to regular implants, they are a bit smaller in size. These mini implants have two parts which include a titanium post with a ball on the end, and a socket with a rubber O-ring which is used to attach the tooth to the post. Traditional implants are about 3.4 to 5.8 mm wide and mini implants, in comparison, are about 1.8 to 3.3 mm wide.

Use for Mini Implants

Mini implants are able to support and replace most types of teeth. While dentures, bridges and fixed crowns are often used to replace missing teeth, mini implants are an excellent option which can be used to secure loose and lower arch dentures.

Mini Implant Options

The procedure for regular dental implants typically requires several months to complete and numerous dental appointments, making it a relatively big time commitment. In some cases, additional procedures such as bone-grafting are required in order to provide the implant with sufficient bone structure. For other patients, they are unable to undergo the surgical procedure and required dental appointments. A patient may also not be a candidate for regular implants because they have an inadequate amount of jawbone structure available to receive the implant. In these types of cases, mini implants may be a great solution. In most cases, the dentist is able to install the mini implants in a single visit with the use of local anesthesia. Sutures are also typically not required for mini implants.

Mini Implant Care

Similar to traditional implants, mini dental implants should be cared in the same way as the natural teeth. Good oral hygiene includes brushing the teeth twice each day and flossing daily. Patients who have mini implants should continue to visit the dentist for regular exams and professional cleanings.

It can be traumatic and difficult for a patient to lose their natural teeth. The loss of teeth can impact a patient’s confidence, appearance and normal function such as eating and speaking. Mini implants restore the patient’s ability to speak, eat and function as they do with their natural teeth.

Follow up with your dentist to discuss if you may be a good candidate for mini implants.

Titanium Dental Implants vs Ceramic Dental Implants