How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

The length of time involved in having a root canal is determined by a variety of factors: the severity of your case, the type of tooth that needs to be worked on, the number of teeth that require work, and your overall comfort level for sedation. Root canals were historically taken care of in two appointments, but with advances in technology and the efficiency of the procedure greatly improved, dentists can now often perform this procedure in a shorter amount of time. Most root canal appointments can be completed within 30-60 minutes for single canals, and around 60-90 minutes for multiple canal treatments.

When to Have a Single Appointment

A single appointment may be your best option if your case is less severe and the pulp has not decayed completely. The biggest benefit to having a single appointment is that the time and cost involved is lessened, although your appointment may run as long as 90 minutes if the affected tooth is multi-rooted. If you suffer from TMJ, or would simply prefer to have several shorter appointments rather than one or two longer appointments, please consult with your dentist.

When to Have Multiple Appointments

As a general rule, if you are experiencing pain, swelling, or tenderness at your appointment, your dentist is more likely to suggest a multi-visit treatment plan. If your teeth are significantly decayed, have multiple root canals, or are difficult to reach, it may be scheduled over multiple appointments to treat the issue. If you take this approach, the first appointment will be dedicated to cleaning and then shaping the root canal, and the follow up appointment will be dedicated to filling and then sealing the tooth. Generally, these appointments will be scheduled about one week apart.

Is One Approach Better Than the Other?

According to research, the ultimate determination of whether a single visit or multiple visits is better for a patient is determined by each particular case factor. In determining which approach is right for you, your dentist will factor in the severity of your case, the placement of the affected tooth, and your personal preference.

There is debate within the dental community that a unique benefit of a two-visit approach is that it allows your dentist to use calcium hydroxide within the tooth between appointments, which have greater efficacy in disinfecting the canal system, as opposed to a single visit, which would not include this step.

Will I Need a Follow UP Appointment?'

The good news is that over 95% of root canals are successful, and if cared for properly, will last a very long time. To ensure this longevity, it is critical to have a permanent restoration placed immediately following the procedure, and after that, continuing to practice good oral hygiene and have routine dental examinations. A root canal can still develop a cavity, and because following this procedure you will have less sensitivity to cavity symptoms, it is important to have regular X-rays checkups to monitor the health of the tooth and spot potential signs of developing issues.

Contact Baer Dental Regarding your Root Canal needs today!

For more information on root canals : What is a Root Canal?

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453