Root Canal Pain

Many people have an intense reaction when they hear the word “root canal.” While there is some pain involved in the process of having a root canal procedure performed, the truth is that the pain and cost involved is much greater the longer you avoid addressing the issue. It important to understand that modern advancements in surgical techniques, instruments, and anesthesia have made root canal procedures much less painful than it used to be.

For these reasons, it is critical that you do not avoid your oral health issues and risk losing a tooth. Instead contact your dentist today to schedule an appointment to see if a root canal is necessary for you.

What Is the Reason for the Pain I Am Experiencing?

The majority of the pain experienced while having a root canal procedure is not caused by the procedure itself, but rather by the damaged and infected tissue. By removing and cleaning this infected area, your tooth or teeth will soon begin to feel significantly better, although it may take a few days of recovery following the procedure to feel complete relief. If you are experiencing sustained pain following the procedure, contact your dentist about palliative medications.

Would It Be Better to Pull the Tooth?

In general, your dentist will advise you of the options to keep your tooth; however, there are instances when removing a tooth is the best approach for your overall oral health. If your dentist has recommended a root canal procedure, this means they believe the best option for
you is to remove and clean the damaged area.

What Type of Sedation is Available for this Procedure?

If you are still concerned about the pain involved in having a root canal procedure performed, it is important to be aware that there are a wide variety of sedation options available to you. Be sure to discuss the different levels of sedation that your dentist offers, the benefits and drawbacks to each, and which level of sedation is appropriate for you to manage your pain and anxiety during the procedure.

Levels of Dental Sedation

Mild: This level of sedation is generally used to reduce anxiety. Mild sedation will also limit the level of pain associated with the procedure.

Medium: This level of sedation is generally used for procedures like root canals, that are more intensive and involve. A medium level of sedation will create a deeper state of relaxation than a mild sedative, and may cause mild amnesia. It is important to note that if you receive this level of sedation, you will not be allowed to drive home by yourself following the procedure.

Heavy: A heavy level of sedation is administered through an IV drip and will ensure that you are put to sleep during the procedure. If you qualify for this level of sedation, you will likely have no memory of the procedure following your appointment.

Contact Baer Dental Regarding your Root Canal needs today!

For more information on root canals : What is the Root Canal Procedure?

Call Dr. Baer Today at (303) 557-6453